Extended fuzz help fk@r500 ~/git/privoxy $./privoxy --help Privoxy version 3.0.23 (http://www.privoxy.org/) Usage: ./privoxy [ ... traditional options removed ... ] ./privoxy --fuzz fuzz-mode ./path/to/fuzzed/input [--stfu] Supported fuzz modes and the expected input: action: Text to parse as action file. client-request: Client request to parse. Currently incomplete client-header: Client header to parse. chunked-transfer-encoding: Chunk-encoded data to dechunk. deflate: deflate-compressed data to decompress. filter: Text to parse as filter file. gif: gif to deanimate. gzip: gzip-compressed data to decompress. pcrs-substitute: A pcrs-substitute to compile. Not a whole pcrs job! Example: Bla $1 bla C $3 blah. server-header: Server header to parse. server-response: Server response to parse. The following fuzz modes read data from stdin if the 'file' is '-' client-request [...] server-response Aborting